
Product Details

Enuresis/General Purpose Interface Socket

  • Allows bed wet sensors, floor pressure mats and bed/chair exit sensors to be easily interfaced to a Quantec addressable call system.
  • Includes two 6.35mm remote jack sockets - one for use with a QT635 enuresis/bed wet sensor and one that will accept a floor pressure mat (QT644), bed exit mat (QT633) or chair exit mat (QT634).
  • Onboard battery/isolation circuit ensures compliance with all relevant UK medical directives.
  • Connects to Quantec via the ancillary input on a Quantec master call point or a QT630 dementia care controller.
  • Can be programmed to generate a ‘standard’, ’help required’ or ‘emergency’ call on activation via a QT423 configurator at the master call point.
  • Includes a battery test button and low battery/enuresis active indicators
  • Supplied on a double gang plate typically located at floor level.
  • Requires a PP3 battery.